Does “Baptism into Moses” Justify Infant Baptism?
by Caleb Colley, B.A., B.S.
Does The Method Matter?
In 1 Corinthians 10, the inspired apostle did not discuss baptism, how to obtain forgiveness of sin, or entrance into the church. Paul referenced the sins of the children of Israel to warn the Christians in Corinth (see Mare, 1976, pp. 248-249). The meaning of baptism (in 1 Corinthians 10:2) is both literal and figurative. The Israelites were baptized—not in the sense that they were baptized for religious reasons, but in the sense that they were literally surrounded by water, though the water did not touch them. This is a legitimate use of the word “baptism.” When a body is buried in a cemetery, for example, the body is “immersed” in the ground (surrounded by dirt), though a casket prevents any dirt from actually touching the body. In that sense, the children of Israel were submerged in the Red Sea. Paul also wrote of baptism in a figurative sense: the Israelites were “baptized into Moses,” in that they devoted themselves to his leadership and, through him, God’s leadership. G.G. Findlay explained:
The cloud, shading and guiding the Israelites from above, and the “sea” making a path for them through its midst and drowning their enemies behind them, were glorious signs to “our fathers” of God’s salvation; together they formed a washing of regeneration (Titus 3:5), inaugurating the national covenant life; as it trode the miraculous path between upper and nether waters, Israel was born into its Divine estate. Thus “they all received their baptism unto Moses, entering through him into acknowledged fellowship with God; even so the Corinthians in the use of the same symbolic element had been baptized unto Christ (cf. Romans 6:3f., Galatians 3:27)” [n.d., p. 857, parenthetical items in orig.].
Baptism into Christ is not mandated by Exodus 14:22,
though the example of the Red Sea crossing metaphorically
foreshadows baptism into Christ, as does the water of the Flood (1
Peter 3:20-21; see Lenski, 1937, p. 391). In Exodus 14, however, the
children of Israel crossed the Red Sea in order to save their
physical lives, not to save their eternal souls (plus, the “baptism”
of Exodus 14 was instituted by Moses hundreds of years before the
baptism of Christ came into effect). There is no identification of
the proper candidate for baptism in either 1 Corinthians 10:2 or
Exodus 14:22, so infant baptism cannot be justified by either
If the Holy Spirit did not author a discussion of baptism into Moses
in order to authorize infant baptism, why did He write about baptism
into Moses? First, observe that when the children of Israel were
baptized “into Moses,” they made a conscious decision to completely
follow Moses’ leadership. Some Israelites had been quite critical of
Moses’ leadership because he brought the people out of Egyptian
slavery (Exodus 14:10-12). Others likely admired Moses, and were
willing to follow Moses and Aaron out of Egypt, but following Moses
across the parted Red Sea necessitated a higher level of trust. It
was not a given that all the people would be eager to obey Moses’
command to “go forward” (verse 15). Following Moses’ instruction was
not the only option available to the children of Israel (though
choosing to disobey Moses meant almost certain death). Before
crossing the Red Sea, the children of Israel made a commitment to
obey Moses, and, in turn, to serve God. In the same way, people are
baptized into Christ when they decide to stop sinning and serve the
Lord, i.e., they are separated from the world and consecrated to God
(Acts 2:37-38; Acts 22:16; see Kistemaker, 2002, p. 322). This point
destroys infants’ candidacy for baptism.
Second, notice that the waters of the Red Sea, in dividing, did not
save the children of Israel on its own—water is, by itself,
incapable of defying the Law of Gravity. It was only by the power of
God, in moving the waters, that Israel was preserved. Similarly, the
waters of baptism are not magical or miraculous. It is not the water
itself that washes away sin and saves souls. Rather, it is God Who
forgives sin when someone is baptized, and He continues to forgive
the sins of those who penitently serve Him (Matthew 26:28; Acts
8:13; 22:16; Romans 4:7,8; 1 Peter 3:21; 1 John 1:7). However, God
never said that He would forgive the sins of one who did not believe
on Him (or could not believe on Him, i.e., those incapable of belief
need no forgiveness, because they have not sinned; see 2
Thessalonians 2:14; Romans 10:16; McGarvey, n.d., p. 40).
Third, most of the children of Israel who crossed the Red Sea as a
result of their obedience to Moses died in the wilderness because
they disobeyed God sometime after they crossed the sea. Similarly,
just because someone is baptized into Christ and forgiven of sin,
does not mean that he can never lose his salvation or fall out of
favor with God. To the contrary, the Bible teaches that one can lose
his salvation (Galatians 5:1,4; Hebrews 3:1,12; James 5:19,20).
Fourth, the example of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea should
make every Christian more appreciative of the sacrifice of Christ.
Just as God provided the only means of physical escape to the
captive Israelites, God has provided us with the blood of Christ,
which cleanses our souls from sin, providing the only means of
escape from eternal spiritual death. God used the cloud and the Red
Sea to “separate” an identified people—His chosen people. Today, the
church makes up God’s spiritual Israel—those who are saved are
members of the Lord’s church (Galatians 3; Ephesians 1:22-23;
Hebrews 8).
Findlay, G.G. (no date), The Expositor’s Greek Testament, ed. W.
Robertson Nicoll (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans).
Lenski, Robert C.H. (1937), The Interpretation of I and II
Corinthians (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg).
Mare, W. Harold (1976), The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: 1
Corinthians, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan).
McGarvey, J.W. (no date), Commentary on Acts (Cincinnati, OH:
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