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This Lesson Answers:
How Old Is The Earth According To:
The Bible?
How Did Noah Fit All Those Animals On The Ark?
Did Man And Dinosaurs Ever Live At The Same Time?
Are There Reliable Historical & Archeological Evidences For The Co-existence of Man & Dinosaurs?
Did Dinosaurs Die Out 65 Million Years Ago?
Did Man Used To Live To Vast Old Ages? Did some animals?
Another Video Lesson: Do Bible Believers Do Better Science?
Do Bible Believers Do Better Science?
Did Most Of The Founders Of Science Defend The Bible Account Of Creation?
Did The Bible Reveal Scientific Facts Long Before Men of Science Discovered Them?
The writings of mankind have always contained scientific errors. When the Bible was completed (2000 years ago), how did it avoid repeating the scientific errors of mankind?
If you could prove the Bible was reliably from God, would you study it more? We can and we do.
If we can help, call us at
We will not compromise because
God's Word has proven itself to be true.
But, have you seen the evidence?
These lessons do not even cover one percent of what I have seen!
And I have not seen even one percent of the available evidence.
All these lessons (and more) are available on DVD.
Disclaimer: While many NASA scientists agree with the conclusions reached in this presentation, it is politically incorrect in America's present climate for NASA to officially endorse these conclusions. The first head of NASA, Warner Von Braun, (awarded more honorary doctorates than anyone in history) wrote letters to school boards strongly recommending that they teach this kind of evidence in the public school science classrooms. (Because of his stand, some evolutionists have called Dr. Von Braun a second rate scientist.)
But, since 1962-1963, nine unelected government officials (Supreme Court) have re-interpreted (lied about) the Constitution and forced the separation of these evidences from the classrooms. Results: our students' science grades have gotten worse ever since. We now rank at or near the bottom in Math and Science worldwide (in competition with "civilized" countries). We used to have the number one education system in the world, from the 1600s until the mid 1900s. Let us return to the great Biblical heritage that out country was founded upon.
Making up a story (evolution) to fit SELECTED facts is no more science than a Hollywood movie. Which is harder - changing your story (and therefore admitting you used to be wrong) or hiding the new facts that contradict your theory? Evolution has tried both. They keep changing their story (but forgetting to admit they were wrong) and hiding the scientific observations that disprove their latest theory.
There are many false religions in this world. Even true religion has been distorted by man (denominations). Evolution is just one of many false religions. Evolution is more like a poor Hollywood story, than science. We need to look for a religious and scientific system that has evidence. Man has always distorted the truth. Remember, the Bible predicted 2000 years ago that man would deny creation and a world-wide flood (2 Pet 3).
General Evidences: Evolutionists Best
Arguments Answered National Geographic Shoots Itself in the Foot—Again! Evolution’s Best Evidences Exposed As Weak To Pitiful: (by Bert Thompson, Ph.D. and Brad Harrub, Ph.D.) THE LATEST SELF-INFLICTED SHOT IN THE FOOT—NOVEMBER 2004. The front cover of the November 2004 issue of National Geographic screamed—in giant dark-maroon letters—“Was Darwin Wrong?” The answer, of course, as provided in 250-point bold type at the beginning of an article that began on page 2, was “NO: the evidence for evolution is overwhelming.” But long before the reader ever gets to the beginning of the article, there is a strong hint that another disaster similar to that of the Archaeoraptor fiasco is beginning to take shape. Sure enough, it is. ... 15 Answers to John Rennie and Scientific American's Nonsense (Full version) (by Bert Thompson, Ph.D. and Brad Harrub, Ph.D.) As of July 2002, however, evolutionists took that battle to an entirely different level. ... Scientific American, editor in chief John Rennie published ... “15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense.” With a variant of vitriol and dogmatism rarely seen in the scientific arena, Mr. Rennie leveled a sustained attack on both creationism and creationists ... “Only the intellectually challenged would dare doubt the scientific validity of evolution; and only an idiot would dare defend belief in creation.” Enough is enough! No amount of pejorative terminology on the part of editors and journalists is going to make the scientific evidence supporting creation somehow “disappear.” And no amount of intellectual snobbery on the part of materialistic scientists is going to make the woefully weak case for evolution somehow “stronger.” A significant ... The Big Bang Theory—A Scientific Critique [Part II - Whole] (by Bert Thompson, Ph.D., Brad Harrub, Ph.D., and Branyon May) In 1978, Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were honored with the Nobel Prize in physics ... cosmic microwave background radiation. Described by some evolutionists as the “remnant afterglow of the Big Bang,” it is viewed as a faint light shining back to the beginning of the Universe ... This radiation, found in the form of microwaves, has been seized upon by proponents of the Big Bang Theory as proof of an initial catastrophic beginning—the “bang”—of our Universe. However, the temperature estimates of “space” were first published in 1896, even prior to George Gamow’s birth in 1904 (see Guillaume, 1896). C.E. Guillaume’s estimation was 5-6 K, and rather than blaming that temperature on some type of “Big Bang” explosion, he credited the stars belonging to our own galaxy. ... Creationists Fight Back! A Review of U.S. News & World Report (Full version) (by Brad Harrub, Ph.D. and Bert Thompson, Ph.D.) It used to be that the only things certain in life were taxes and death. According to journalist Thomas Hayden, we now can add organic evolution to that list. The latest effort to shore up the ever-faltering theory of evolution was the cover story of the July 29, 2002 issue of U.S. News & World Report.... Yes, the slick graphics and full-color photos presented in Hayden’s article are impressive. And yes, the diminutive amount of alleged scientific evidence tossed in for good measure no doubt will convince some unsuspecting readers that evolution is indeed a “fact.” But the actual evidence tells an entirely different story. Sadly, this type of grandstanding and propagandizing in the media occurs all too often. And many people accept it as the “final word” on the subject—without any real knowledge as to what the evidence truly reveals. Given that millions of people read and respect U.S. News & World Report, we felt a thorough review of “The New Reality of Evolution” was in order. Someone needs to tell—if we may borrow a well-known phrase from respected news commentator Paul Harvey—“the rest of the story.” Here is that story. The Scientific Case For Creation Free Book (eBook): ... Books are being written by evolutionists that attack the creationist stance; books are being written by creationists that attack the evolutionist stance. National news media have become involved. Science associations have become involved. Teachers’ associations and political groups have become involved. Far from diminishing, the controversy seems to be increasing. And both sides acknowledge that it is not likely to “go away.” As one evolutionist put it ...
Carbon 14 articles: Dating in Archaeology: Radiocarbon & Tree-Ring Dating The purpose of this first article is to discuss problems with radiocarbon and tree-ring dating (or dendrochronology), which are the two most common direct dating techniques in archaeology. Problems with relative dating by interpretation of material culture—arrowheads, pottery, tools—will be the subject of the next article. ... tree-ring dating. This venerable science began in the early part of the twentieth century when A.E. Douglass was looking for a way to investigate the historical relationship between solar activity and climate. He noticed variations in the width of annual growth rings in yellow pine trees growing around Flagstaff, Arizona. The year-to-year variations were the result of ... Superman and the Myth of Carbon-14 Dating Without going into detail of the ins and outs of carbon-14 dating, consider one basic truth about this dating method that few people (especially in the film industry), it seems, have been taught: radiocarbon dating is totally ineffective in measuring time when dealing with millions of years. In his 2000 book, Genes, People, and Languages, renowned geneticist of Stanford University, Luigi Cavalli-Sforza, in a discussion ... RATE Project Disproves Ancient Earth ... On November 5, 2005, the RATE research team presented groundbreaking research to more than 2,300 people who had gathered in San Diego for this special conference ... The panel of scientists introduced experimental evidence that poses serious problems for the evolutionary theory, and that strongly supports a young age for the Earth. ... some evolutionists would rather hide by attacking the researchers than deal with the evidence they presented. ... Russell Humphreys, Professor of Physics ... his research on helium diffusion, strongly indicating that the age of the Earth is only about 6,000 years,... Dr. Andrew Snelling, Professor of Geology, .... His research team investigated radiohalos. ...
America's Biblical Heritage Liberals and compromisers must love telling lies. Or maybe they would like to tell the truth, but they cannot get the truth to fit their agenda. For 50 years, Americans have been lied to about America's Christian type heritage. These liars ignore the monuments, writings, congressional records, Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Founding Father's personal writings, Supreme Court decisions, names of cities, presidential declarations, etc. from America's founding years. A great resource on America’s Godly Heritage is Dave Miller's (Ph.D., Apologetics Press) seminars. Dr. Miller has the best video on the subject. You can get the two DVD set that contains 5 lessons on the Silencing of God in America. He also does a great job at calling the Lord’s Church back to what they need to be doing. But as you may know, many Christians would like Dave to sit down and discuss his past affiliation and teachings on elder reconfirmation (and other doctrines). So until Dave is willing to "give an answer" (1 Pet 3:15) many conservative brothers do not want to use his materials (without at least warning others about Dave’s possible errors). Here is a link to many articles on America's Godly Heritage, by Apologetics Press. Dr. Miller also has some excellent lessons on Islam & Muhammad (Articles, DVDs).
God Is Not The Author Of Confusion
- New Baptism Site There is a new website with over 17 pages of just links (to articles, videos, and audios) on just one subject, BAPTISM. It includes recordings of live TV call-in shows, 4 night debates, PDF articles, high and low speed audio recordings, etc. It uses only the Bible to answer your questions on baptism. Many have been falsely taught that we are not to judge. Yet, Jesus said in John 7:24 "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." Proverbs 25:9 says "Debate thy cause with thy neighbor himself..." (KJV). Jude 3 "... ye should earnestly contend for the faith ...". Acts 17:2 "... Paul ... reasoned with them out of the scriptures." Acts 24:25 "And as he (Paul) reasoned of righteousness ... Felix trembled, ..." See What is the purpose of Baptism? Does the purpose matter? Why did the men in Acts 19 have to be re-baptized? World's most famous thief - What about the Thief on the cross? Was he baptized? Is he our example today? Does the method of baptism matter to God? When should a person be baptized (as a infant, or as an adult)? How many preachers allow live call-ins? Why don't they? Read 1 Pet 3:15 & 1 Cor 1:10 1st Video: Baptists say baptism is not important, yet they condemn the Methodist, Catholics, etc. because they use the wrong form of baptism. Isn't this inconsistent? One caller actually admitted that he had never realized that baptism was a work of God. Listen to the call. 2nd Video: Being Blunt. Notice how many times Johnny has to ask the lady for a scripture for her viewpoint. Have you been baptized correctly? This lady thought she was, but after hearing this broadcast, and calling in, she realized that in fact she had not. 3rd Video: Baptist smarter than Peter. This man called to tell us that he wanted to be on record as saying that he would not tell anyone what Peter said in Acts 2:38, or what Saul of Tarsus was told in Act 22:16. 4th Video: Listen as a preacher tries to find the Baptist Church in the N.T. 5th Video: Feet washing versus baptism. Some command feet washing, yet deny baptism. Sometimes you just have to be blunt with people before they get the point. Many more videos, audios, debates, PDF files, etc.
Here Are Some Other Evidences For God:
Causes of Unbelief [Part I]
Most rational, reasonable people would
agree that actions have consequences. If a man commits a crime, is
pursued and apprehended by law enforcement officers, tried by a jury
of his peers, and sentenced to life in the penitentiary or death in
the electric chair, who is responsible? When an individual decides
to act, is it not true that ultimately the consequences of those
actions fall squarely on his or her shoulders? Indeed, actions do
have consequences. Causes of Unbelief [Part II] Pride: When the Lord asked in John 5:44, “How can ye believe, who receive glory one of another, and the glory that cometh from the only God ye seek not?,” He summed up one of the main reasons why many are unprepared to believe in God. Man is so busy seeking and reveling in his own glory that he has neither the time nor the desire to offer glory to His Maker. An unhealthy lust for power wrapped in a cloak of pride breeds unbelief. German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (he of “God is dead” fame) expressed ... The Case for the Existence of God [Part I] One of the most basic, and most fundamental, issues that can be considered by the human mind is the question, “Does God exist?” In the field of logic, there are principles—or ... The only way to answer this question, of course, is to seek out and examine the evidence. It certainly is reasonable to suggest that if there is a God, He would make available to us evidence adequate to the task of proving His existence. But does such evidence exist? And if it does, what is the nature of that evidence? The Case for the Existence of God [Part II] One of the laws of thought employed in the field of logic is the law of rationality, which states that one should accept as true only those conclusions for which there is adequate evidence. ...
The Case for the Existence of God [Part III]
(by Wayne Jackson, M.A.)
An examination into the existence of morality and ethics provides
yet another link in the chain of logical thought that establishes
the case for the existence of God. ... anthropological, or
moral, argument for God’s existence. ... If there is no purpose in
the Universe, as Simpson and others have asserted, then actually
there is no purpose to morality or ethics. But the concept of a
purposeless morality, or a purposeless ethic, does not make sense,
and so men have sought to read some meaning, as far-fetched as it
may be, into the natural human inclination to recognize the need for
morality. Let us give brief attention to several of the theories
that propose to explain the function of human ethics. ...
Evil Pain & Suffering
Philosophers love to attack God
with the question about evil pain
and suffering.
Articles that answer this argument: